Reptile specialists with tame reptiles, frogs and minibeasts. Personal, educational encounters for all ages and abilities. Bring life to advertise your event or product.

Protecting Children & Vulnerable Adults, we are
Criminal Record DBS Checked:
Barry, Tom,
Full Public Liability Insurance:
Animal Activities License No. 24/15537/AWEXHI
20th April 2024 until 19th April 2027
The opportunity to share life with Snakes, Tortoises, Lizards, Amphibians, Insects and more.
You will gain more of an understanding of each of these animals which are often misrepresented, with close sensory encounters experiencing the colours, textures and behaviours of these wonderful creatures.
Based in Crawley; we travel across the South, South East and London to bring our animal encounters to you.
30+ years experience and knowledge in Exotic Animal Care and15+ years experience in Innovation, Teaching, Learning and Training at one of the largest further education colleges in the South East.

Female Bearded Dragon #TomsTalkingReptiles

Over 10 years we've had our successful breeding colony of Red-Eyed Tree Frogs #TomsTalkingReptiles

We have an outstanding network supporting Aldingbourne Country Centre. Supporting people with learning disabilities and / or autism to reach their potential across Sussex. We provide real skills, care and jobs in a very 21st century way. We believe in strong partnerships between social enterprise and charity fundraising to give adults with learning disabilities real choices and more independent lives. #TomsTalkingReptiles

Jungle Nymphs and Insects #TomsTalkingReptiles

Our Gorgeous Rhino Iguana Madam Mim Basking in the sun. Book Tom's Talking Reptiles for parties, reptile encounters, reptile hire, educational visits #TomsTalkingReptiles

Amazon Milk Frogs #TomsTalkingReptiles Book Tom's Talking Reptiles for parties, reptile encounters, reptile hire, educational visits

#TomsTalkingReptiles Book Tom's Talking Reptiles for parties, reptile encounters, reptile hire, educational visits, weddings

Book Tom's Talking Reptiles for parties, reptile encounters, reptile hire, educational visits, weddings

Book Tom's Talking Reptiles for photo shoots and high fashion, parties, reptile encounters, reptile hire, educational visits, weddings
Animal Encounters:
•Parties: For adults, children & every ability.
Halloween /Christmas
Corporate and private hire
•One-2-One and Small Group Animal Encounters:
Ideal for:
Reptile Enthusiasts
VIP celebrity special occasions
Those of us with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Wish to overcome a fear or phobia
•Educational and Enrichment Visits:
School Visits – range of school activities from animal encounters to art
College Lectures – from animal classification to the husbandry of exotics
After dinner talks
Scouts / Brownies /Girl Guides
Youth groups and Clubs
•Television and Media Industry:
Beautiful, calm and professionally trained animals for:
Photography & High Fashion shoots
Music videos
PR and corporate promotions
Theatre and stage
Major feature films
Independent films
TV Drama
Natural history documentaries
Live events
Private parties
Open days and launch parties
Fairs & Fetes
PR and corporate promotions
•Reptile Rescue and Re-Home:
We help members of the public and organisations find new homes for reptiles in need or to find a new loving friend. Please contact us if you have a pet that you can no longer care for and needs a new home or if you are seeking to re-home a rescue.
•Reptile Holiday Boarding:
We offer a holiday away from home for your pets. Our team are trained and dedicated to looking after all species of reptiles.
Working with SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH @ Book Signing Event, at Waterstones, Brighton: