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Educational School Visits - Enrichment Talks

Bringing our reptiles to you can help solve those logistical problems of taking your class off campus and at the same time, cover many topics of the school curriculum; bringing the curriculum to life for your learners. 


We have outstanding reviews for our sessions from nurseries and first years through to Colleges, youth groups and in October 2018, we did enrichment talks with Sir David Attenborough in Waterstones for his Life On Earth event.

School Visits – range of school activities from animal encounters to art

College Lectures – from animal classification to the husbandry of exotics

Our aim is to structure the educational sessions to what learners are currently studying. With our insects and reptiles coming from all over the world here are a few examples: 


Food chains

Camouflage and survival,

Countries| Habitats; deserts, jungles and temperate woodland. 


Life cycles: both insects and amphibians go through dramatic changes before their end form

Diets: of our many different animals.

Minibeast talks: focusing on bugs and insects

Reptile only talks: (which include snakes tortoises and lizards)

The full combo: of reptiles, amphibians and insects.

We adapt to be age appropriate for the learners and give them chance to interact with the animals with support from friends, teachers and peers.

It is a great equal opportunity for personal growth, development and confidence building while learning about nature. 

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Event Poster: just add your date and time
Advertise your reptile event by downloading our handy poster and adding the date and time
DBS Checked expires April 2022
Risk Assessment Look at our risk assessment documents if you're planning a visit
Parent Permission Slip For Schools
Our Public Liability Insurance: £5million
Handcross School visit Tom's Talking Reptiles
Charlotte Digby, Handscross Park School
Thank you very much, Tom and Maz, for a great visit to our school! The children were really engaged and have been talking enthusiastically about your visit. They really enjoyed seeing something a bit different and they were very impressed that they were able to hold the snakes and lizards. We were particularly taken with Mim - what a beauty! Many thanks for a really enjoyable visit. Charlotte
Ingfield Manor School Visit Tom's Talking Reptiles Enrichment Animal Encounter

.Julie Watts: Thank you so much for the Reptile Handling session at Ingfield Manor School. We booked the session to fit it with our ‘Fairy Tales & Dragons’ theme and Tom made this work perfectly, talking about the animals ‘armour’ and pointing out the spiny scales on the reptiles’ backs. Tom brought 5 amazing animals to show our class of nine children all of whom have neurological motor impairment. Tom was brilliant, speaking to the children at a totally appropriate level and showing them how to touch the animals. The children all went home with photographs of the visit and clearly enjoyed sharing the experience with their families. Fabulous!

Tom's Talking Reptiles | Birthday Parties | Educational Talks | Events | TV | Photography | Advertising | SEND Encounters

Interaction with animals helps to develop compassion and to create a less violent society for the future.

BOOKING PRICES: Click here    Contact Us  Telephone: 07715348378​ 

Protect Children & Vulnerable Adults: Some companies operate with Criminal Records, we hold up to date Criminal Record DBS Checked: Barry  Tom  Rebecca 

Our aim is to provide the highest quality service for our clients and highest standards of care for our animals. 

Our team all care for the animals we have, many are rescues we brought back to health and we treat them as family members as we do each other.

We've always asked permission before using an image but if you'd like us to remove any, do get in touch

© Copyright 2013

Tom's Talking Reptiles    

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